There was a mix up with some stuff this morning plus Ben called in ill to work so I wasn’t able to leave for my run up until 11am. That is very super late for me. By that time I was hungry so made a wrap with egg whites as well as ketchup before I left.
Then, I was off on my 4 mile run! Ben provided to take a photo of me since he believed I looked ridiculous. bit does he understand this is exactly how I always look on my runs now! When I got back I took a quick shower as well as was hungry for lunch best about 12:45pm – I’m happy the late run didn’t totally throw off my day ?
הסרטונים החדשים ביותר שלי
High Achiever – great listen book Review
High Achiever by Tiffany Jenkins book review. quick evaluation of the new memoir of a medication addict’s double life. checked out by the author.
Easy book to listen to while running, eating or whatever else people do.
עוד סירטונים
0 seconds of 6 minutes, 12 seconds
הבא בתור
4 minute Standing Core workout for Runners
I made a large salad with a cole slaw mix, tomatoes, path mix (nuts as well as dried fruit) as well as TJ’s PB dressing. I likewise topped it with some falafels (am I expected to pluralize that word?). With an apple on the side :)This was a major volume meal – my fave kind.
I’m viewing “Little miss Perfect” a show about pageants. I have never put any type of believed into what I believe about pageants. I understand some people believe it’s truly poor stuff for bit girls, however as youngster I believe I would have liked it. I was such a cheese sphere (am still kinda am, I guess). Don’t dislike on the crimped hair either.There are some things I “conveniently” left out of my Florida recap from this weekend. I’m right here to admit a trip to Taco Bell, fair-like fried food as well as more….
This weekend (in FL) we were out as well as about between the art show as well as going to peeps as well as I was very hungry! the very best choice was Taco Bell as well as I was pleased with that. I purchased a salad as well as changed out the beef for poultry (normally I opt out of the chicken, however all I had been eating was empty carbs all the time as well as figured I needed it). I likewise purchased an additional pintos as well as cheese on the side.
After a bite of the shell (I’m only human!) I disposed the salad in the container, added the beans as well as hot sauce as well as mixed it up. Ben made fun of me for being able to discover something “healthy” even at Taco Bell, however that’s just exactly how I roll. I’m happy I made wise options at Taco Bell, since I ended up trying a Crab Fritter at the art show
Crab Fritter = Doughy Fried mess
and of course, kettle corn.
And a pirate shot Ben. That’s what he gets for making pirate jokes like this:
Q: What’s the pirate’s girlfriend’s name?
A: Arrrrrlene!
נתראה מאוחר יותר ?
שלח לי את חוברת העבודה
שיתוף הוא אכפתיות!
המשך לבחור באלה:
If JLo as well as Shakira Were Running Buddies…
If JLo as well as Shakira Were Running Buddies…
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